I've been meaning to post this for a while, mainly because I needed to write it out for my church's newsletter, but anywho...
I was talking to my roommate the other day about our experiences at Urbana, and what we learned we were called to do as Christians in today's society. We need to move into a foreign neighborhood, go where we are uncomfortable, be with people we don't know, and shine as a light for Christ. Rev. Brenda McNeil, the final speaker of the conference, talked about Jesus, going through Samaria (a land where few Jewish people go through, they would rather go around) and stopping in a village. There he met Samantha (Rev. McNeil's name for the Samaritan woman, she described how it gave her a personality), a woman who was basically shunned from the rest of the community. Jesus, being from Israel, was completely out of his neighborhood. He extended his grace to this woman, one whom would be despised if Jesus was any other Jewish person. Basically, He loved her, like all of us should love our brothers and sisters her on Earth. Missionary work is about being the change, but what we now know, is that the greatest change is on a personal level. After a few minutes of discussion, my roommate said the most profound thing to ever come out of his mouth, "You need to be a big picture person, with a tiny paint brush." We are called to be the change in people's lives, how are you making that change?